The Century edition of this show has arrived. I've produced 100 shows and am very proud of the content and guest I have shared with the world. However, I'm even more excited about the future of the LIAM show and the lives it will change. Listen as I explain more:

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Show Outline:

Intro to #1 - That's it all started on 9/14/14. I smile and cringe when I hear that intro! I read my script! That was the only time I wrote/read a script!
Here we are at 100. An amazing journey. Lots of content, many great guests, unbelievable listener support.
I want the show to be a fan-archy -- driven by what you want/need in your life.
At Session #1, I had no idea how many people would listen, or if it would be well received. My intuition told me it would be; I believed in the concept, had a vision and passion for it, and gave it my highest priority--stopped writing books, taking on new clients--until it was fully in flight. My hunch paid off and it has been one of the most rewarding things I have ever done in my life!
Listeners in 179 countries. Top 5: US, UK, Canada, Australia, UAE (would love to visit all of these countries--contact me!)
Favorite Episodes:

LIAM 003 – Man’s Search for Meaning – What do we do when life doesn’t go as expected
LIAM 007 – Life After the Death of a Child: A Conversation with Adam Crawford
LIAM 011 – An Unplanned Night in Chicago; The Butterfly Effect of Generosity
LIAM 016 – A Journey from Darkness to Light: A Conversation with Nikki Schmutz
LIAM 017 – E+R=O: You Control Your Outcomes Because You Control Your Responses to Events
LIAM 021 & 063 – A Conversation About Perspective with Steve Maraboli
LIAM 026 – Introducing the Latest Upgrade: Bruce 5.1
LIAM 027 & 028 – The Four Agreements 2 & 3
LIAM 032 – A Morning Routine Could Be the Miracle You Need!
LIAM 041 – A Real “Tawk” with “The Jersey Belle” Jaime Primak Sullivan
LIAM 048 – Clarity: A Conversation with Jamie Smart
LIAM 049 – Personal Branding: Your Work is a Reflection of Who You Are
LIAM 050 – Life Plan: Step 1 – Start Dreaming Again!
LIAM 058 – Affirmations for Abundant Living
LIAM 059 – Love Languages: Better Communication = Better Relationships
LIAM 065 – “I Am Not My Body!” with Steven Webb
LIAM 066 – 7 Days in the Caribbean - Run For Fun Cruise
LIAM 070 – 4 Steps to Help You Stop Worrying.
LIAM 077 – No Rejection, Only Protection! No Failure, Only Data!
LIAM 078 – E+R=O Applied with Kent Julian
LIAM 085 – The Zig Ziglar Legacy with Tom Ziglar
LIAM 089 – I’m Still Alive! What a Year It Has Been!
LIAM 097 – My Boston Marathon Experience

I love where this show has gone, how I've grown through the process. The amazing people I've met. But I'm MORE excited about the future--things I have planned and things that will completely surprise me.

Mentioned in this show:

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Download: Affirmations for Abundant Living
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