I Love My Shepherd 29 – Chasing Freedom YA Bonus 4: Freedom isn’t all about you

What is the difference in God being willing to die for each of us individually and God dying for the whole world? How is it possible both are true at the same time?

John 10:10

Galatians 4:7, 31

What things can we become enslaved to in life? What questions can weigh us down? What areas of life feel most overwhelming right now?

Areas youth/young adults feel the yokes the most and why

Who am I? Identity confusion of adolescence + young adulthood – Satan would love to take this and run with it, weigh you down with confusion, trying to figure it out is a yoke somewhat specific to young adulthood, but not necessarily Relationship decisions – identity + who do I want to spend time with, dating, sexuality, friendship What do I believe for myself, rebellion, conformity, and everything in between – what is truth, what matters most Academics, knowing feels more important than anything, freedom doesn’t come from knowing, although it’s a start The struggle of worth, guilt, shame, Am I forgivable? Why in the world am I here? Purpose - God’s plans for our future – What plans are you concerned about?


Why your voice matters for someone next to you…

The uniqueness of your life position, place, and time Don’t want to hear it from an adult We need each other God created the church for a purpose It isn’t all about you…contrary to what Satan would have you believe, he wants isolation and self obsession

Knowing Christ – Psalm 119:36-40

Knowing one another – Philippians 2:3-5

Question: How do we begin to know God more and deeper through the work of the Spirit according to these verses?

Question: How do we begin to know others deeper according to these verses? How does God lead and guide us in our relationship with others?


Challenge: Who do I have unique influence with around me? What questions might they have about life, freedom, and Christ, what yokes do they bear?


ESV Bible translation - Copyright © 2001 by Crossway,

a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers.

All rights reserved.



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