I Love My Shepherd 28 – Chasing Freedom Audio Bonus 4: Refusing Someone Else’s Identity: It’s a Joint Effort

What does it mean to be a Child of God?

Freedom from the beginning, through the redemption plan

Sin’s confusion in our existing freedom

What identities would Satan want us to find ourselves in, rather than as God’s child?

Sexual identity Vocational identity Identity in hobbies and recreation

The difference between in identity in creation v. restoration

God has always been at work for our freedom Sin distrupts our status as children We need restoration in Christ though to return to this relationship to be God’s children Baptized children of God have already been given restoration that created children do not

This is our identity –

Created Child of God

Baptized Child of God

What is remembering our baptisms? How do you remember yours? How can we remind one another of ours?

Why is this so hard to hold on to, to remember? This is the core – Satan wants to destroy our identity. He wants us to doubt it. He wants us to trade it in for the yoke –

worthless, not enough, hurtful, untrustworthy, powerless, helpless, etc. etc.

Which of these does he try to put in your head? (Or add your own! Let’s give it light.)

The Galatians had this same problem – Galatians 4:28-31

They need Paul and one another to remember who they are in Christ Satan starts at the root with all of us, including the Galatians – Who are you? Paul says, “Children of the Promise.” Children of the Promised Messiah. God gives us Jesus for this freedom – Galatians 5:1

God created the Church for this purpose – to hold on to freedom, it’s a joint effort

Acts 1:14-15

What place does our relationship with one another have in helping us understand our identity as well as our freedom?

Remind one another of freedom Discern freedom Release for freedom, helping one another throw the yokes off

Let us begin with grace today and every day...together. To Walk in grace is to offer freedom to someone, quite tangibly.

James 4:6-8 – more grace, humility to be a people who need each other – it’s a joint effort

Challenge: Who can you share grace with today? How can you begin with grace this day and every day to remember your baptismal identity and to help one other person remember theirs?