Previous Episode: What do You Want More Of?

Welcome to today’s episode, where I get REAL REAL about my personal and  profound journey through the landscape of self-discovery and personal growth. In this candid conversation, we explore the deep-seated challenges of self-doubt and the dangers of the pursuit of perfection.

Main Themes:

Struggle with Self-Doubt: I share an intimate battle with self-doubt, exacerbated by societal pressures to adhere to an image of perfection.

Cultural and Familial Influences: I delve into how cultural norms, family expectations, religion, and patriarchy have shaped my belief systems and self-perception, especially around the concept of success and gender roles.

Resistance and Authenticity: Despite these ingrained beliefs, I recognized resistance against these societal expectations and the importance of being true to myself and embracing my imperfections as a means of growth.

What the TV Show "The Bear" taught me. Its complex characters helped me see my personal journey to "messy" in a new way, seeing my triggers from old beliefs can serve as a catalyst for transformation.

Religious Teachings and Self-Separation: I share the impact of evangelical teachings and the associated fear of eternal damnation on my feelings of disconnection from God and a pervasive sense of wrongdoing.

Choosing Authenticity Over Performance: I'll share why I decided not to record a podcast episode 'on time' for a Sunday release because of my internal struggle, signaling a pivotal moment of breaking free from limiting beliefs without succumbing to a victimhood narrative.

Self-Compassion vs. Perfection: A call for self-compassion, drawing parallels between human development and the learning stages of children and pets, highlighting the need for acceptance and unconditional self-love.

Importance of Presence and Fulfillment: I want to emphasize the power of presence, happiness, and fulfillment as vital components of life, promoting self-love and heeding the guidance of the wise, unconditional inner self.

Life as a Learning Process: Life is presented as a metaphorical journey of learning to walk, fall, and rise again, where overcoming challenges and practicing self-care are crucial to personal improvement.


This episode serves as a reminder that embracing our imperfections and committing to authenticity can lead to a more fulfilling and self-compassionate life.

Remember, I always love to hear from you with comments on the platform you listen from or a DM on Instagram: @BrendaFloridaCoach or email me directly at [email protected] and tune in for more insightful discussions and reflections that aim to empower and inspire. Thank you for listening, and don’t forget to join me next time as we continue to explore the paths that lead to our truest selves.