Is "starting over" the ONLY story available at an ending? 
No way! Listen in to today's episode to hear from my Client Alex, as she shares a bit about what stopped her from figuring out her true and authentic desires, and actually aligning with them!
The stories we tell at the completion of a relationship (or the completion of anything!) direct how we move forward or stay stuck. 
Instead of "starting from scratch" what if you looked at endings as an opportunity to take the PhD you just received in Life and use it to learn and love on...

I am looking for 1:1 clients who want a Life Coach who has some new ideas about relationships and love! Come to Coaching if you're struggling in relationships. Get on my calendar today:

There's still time to join the 7 Days of Play Challenge. Check it out here:

I give a profound fVck about your authentic, pleasurable, anxiety-free life. I dare you to be a mess and also really feel yourself.

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