Are you single and sick of it?

We’ve all been there…Lying to ourselves about why we’re still single and then feeling frustrated when nothing we try seems to be working. It is painful and beyond frustrating...

That is why in today’s episode I am shedding light on the top 3 lies I hear the most. I will walk you through what they are, and how you can compassionately challenge them. 

Ready to let go of the lies that keep you stuck, and are you ready to level up in love? Listen to this episode where I drop the cold hard truth on what is keeping you stuck. 

Make sure you screenshot the episode and tag me on IG @drmorgancoaching telling me which lie you related to the most! 

If you haven’t already, please take the time to leave me a 5-start Apple podcast review as this is the best way for this show to grow and give others access to this valuable information. 

Until next time, wishing you high self-worth, and GREAT relationships! Thanks for tuning in.