“Codependency” is a loaded word

What does Codependency mean to you? 

Codependency: an excessive reliance on other people for approval and a sense of identity

Inside today’s podcast you’ll discover:

👉🏼How to recognize when you are experiencing Codependency in relationships 

👉🏼A personal story of mine (that involves my dog Son) that perfectly illustrates codependency 

👉🏼Unpacking the ROOT of Codependency (AKA where does it come from, and how can I let it go?) 

👉🏼How to move towards healthy relationship functioning (Individuation) 

This episode is so value-packed! 🤑

You know I LOVE getting Vulnerable so you all can benefit from past relationship mistakes

This episode takes it to the next level and talks about how you can 💞

Make sure you tune in to this episode to learn about what Codependency looks like, so you can recognize it in your own life 

ALSO! Did you know I have a FREE Quiz that tells you your LOVE style? This highly valuable information is available to you by clicking here or tapping the link in my Instagram bio and hitting “Attachment Quiz”

P.S. Make sure you DM me your favorite takeaways from this episode! I love to hear from you!