I get this question A LOT- 


“What if I’ve never had a healthy relationship, and all I’ve ever experienced is unhealthy toxic relationships- how can I learn to become Securely Attached?” 


I have an answer for you inside of this episode! 


I walk you through the necessary steps for healing-and you don’t want to miss it. 


I discuss: 

-The importance of Awareness 

-How to Release the Past 

-The key for embodying Secure Attachment (no matter your past) 


If this episode inspired you to take action in your dating life, I want to invite you to apply to the Empowered.Secure.Loved. Program. 


If you’re ready to get off the dating rollercoaster and become the securely attached version of you; I want to invite you to apply to the E.S.L. program today.


The time is NOW to intentionally invest in your healing. 


Click Here to Apply!