Ooooooh! This episode is so good. 


I love when our clients get to tell their true stories of growth, healing, and transformation.


This episode will give you goosebumps in the best way.


The amazing thing about Amanda is that she radically changed her life inside of the ESL Program, and now she is one of our amazing coaches on staff. 


She is a true example of “doing the work” to create the life and relationships you want. 


Inside of this episode Amanda shares: 

-What her life (belief systems) were like prior to the program

-Her biggest breakthroughs in rewiring her brain for healthy love 

-What she is currently working on , and how she continues to support her healing journey 


Y’all don’t want to miss this! And- if Amanda’s story inspired you-


You can apply to the Program using this link:


Click Here to Apply!


Connect with Amanda on Instagram @the.healthful.healer