You don’t want to miss this VERY special episode!

Inside of this episode I answer the audience questions that everyone wants to know the answer to!

I discuss:

Understanding casual dating (and how to communicate about it!). Moving towards secure attachment no matter your past. What to do if you “hate dating and using dating apps”.

This episode is a HUGE thank-you to the audience and to everyone who has tuned in to the podcast.

I created this podcast to help YOU, the listener, have high self-worth and great relationships!

Please make sure you are dm’ing me on IG your specific podcast topic requests!

You never know-I might answer your question next...

P.S. IF you are ready to dive DEEPER, change the relationship with yourself, and make space for a healthy securely attached relationship; I’ve got you and the Empowered.Secure.Loved (E.S.L.) Relationship Program is just the thing you need!

CLICK HERE to apply today!