Surviving Narcissistic Abuse is not something I thought I’d ever talk about openly. As it happened to me, approximately a decade ago, I was deeply afraid that I would never come out the other side of it. I thought I was doomed to a life of being controlled and manipulated. I couldn’t find a way out. . That was until the decision became life or death. I chose life (obviously). It is my wish that this episode can give anyone who is struggling in an abusive relationship HOPE for a different life and a better future. Inside of this episode I openly share:

How narcissistic abuse changed my life. What I did in order to move on. How this can happen to anyone and what are the signs you must look for. Aaaaand so much more!

Are you ready for healing and sick of dating men who are “not the right guy”?! Trust me, I understand how important it is to fix this area of your life... ...AND I got you!

Take action today by applying to the E.S.L program IF you are ready to change the relationship with yourself and make space for a healthy securely attached relationship. This program is just what you need!    CLICK HERE to apply today!