A toxic love cycle… The magnetic pull of: “there’s just something about him, even if I wanted to leave I couldn’t"... If you’ve felt this way you have likely experienced an anxious-avoidant relationship dynamic. This dynamic can cause you to feel like you’ve lost “all common sense” and can lead you to chase what you doesn’t love you back or push away the ones who would do anything for you. We repeat what we do not heal and I want to change that by helping you stop the toxic cycle today! Inside of today’s episode:

I delve deeper into the anxious /avoidant relationship dynamic and help you learn to spot it quickly. I explain how you can move towards secure attachment (no matter your past). I help you understand why this dynamic can feel so difficult to get out of (it can feel worse than trying to get out of quicksand!).

Make sure you tune in and if you enjoyed this episode please go leave a 5 star written review on Apple podcasts. It means the world to me and I read each one!

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