Whether you’re changing your business offering, working through a rebrand, or you’re starting to feel disconnected from your work and looking to do something different, we’ve all been there when it comes to pivoting.


When you’re going in a new direction it can feel like you have to burn everything down and start again (trust me, I’ve been there). But the truth is, we’re never REALLY starting from scratch. 


“Pivoting is not the same thing as beginning again,” Juju says, “It’s a new application of the same mastery.” 


When I shut down my health coaching business (I helped women heal their gut problems for several years) and started building websites instead, I was able to build my revenue to the same level in a fraction of the time. And that’s because I already had some mastery of what it took to build a business.


Juju is a master at the pivot and she shares some deeply personal stories in this episode about what it means to completely change your mind while still maintaining equity and knowledge from your past experience.