During Happy Hour yesterday, I asked everyone to un-mute themselves and say those words: Thank you 2020.

It was close to 50/50 with the number of people who looked at me in shock vs. those who were genuinely glad to be saying these words. There may have been a sarcastic remark or two.

That’s okay with me. You’re always allowed to feel your feelings. 

But if you’re open to the activity we did, I challenge you to write out 10 sentences starting with: “I’m so grateful for…” 

In this time of reflecting, and making plans for the year ahead, it can be really easy to say “SEE YA, BITCH!” to what has been the strangest year for most of us.

But I’m challenging you to take some time to reflect on the year in its entirety. What was your biggest win of the year and what was the biggest lesson you learned?

No matter what your answers are, I want to say cheers to you. You’re amazing.

This is how I end my year on a good note, and I hope you can also get something from this gratitude practice.