A few weeks ago my website went down for about an hour. My team notified me as soon as it happened but I sort of just shrugged it off.

‘It’ll be back on soon, we don’t need to worry about it’.

Then the emails started coming in.

I was shocked. I knew the website was down for about an hour, but I didn’t think it was a big deal. I underestimated my own business: and I’m not the only one.

A lot of small business owners and entrepreneurs neglect their security. We say that ‘My business is too small for this to matter’, and that mentality is holding us back.

Which is why I’m excited to introduce you to IT Security expert Chris Plouffe. Chris has been working in IT for over 22 years and is the CEO of Managed IT Services. In this episode, I talk to Chris about the common misconceptions that small business owners have when it comes to their IT Security. 

Why does Chris think all online entrepreneurs should take their security more seriously? Because we’re holding ourselves back if we think we’re too small to make sure our doors are always open and easy to access. You can’t get people to come into your store if the storefront is closed, and our computer is our business home. So don’t take a chance on your business’ safety, but don’t live in fear either. 

Chris is also a firm believer in knowing when to disconnect and follow our intuition. Learning a little bit about IT security will give us some peace of mind and room to listen to our gut. Let’s stay in control of our online world so we don’t end up being controlled by it.