There’s a growing culture around us that pushes us to believe we are too busy, and everything is too urgent, to take time for ourselves.

Could the key to getting more done actually be doing less? 

My friend and mentor Kate Northrup has helped me realize that what is actually urgent is remembering to slow down and take a little time every day to enjoy our lives. Don’t get me wrong, we still have to work, but as Kate says, work is less about what we’re doing and more about how we’re doing it. 

Kate is an entrepreneur, best-selling author, speaker, and mother. She’s built a multi-media educational platform that reaches over 100,000 people globally and has committed herself to support ambitious women to light up the world, without burning themselves out.

In this episode, we discuss her energy management practices that result in saving time, making more money, and experiencing less stress. Kate also explains what cyclic planning is, and how we can use it to optimize our work and happiness.