When we attempt to over-regulate our internal emotions, we might go for a run, exercise, count to ten, take a deep breath, burn candles, or take a hot shower. But we must recognize that we are individually trying to manage --- and many people over-rely on that strategy. 

When we verbalize our thoughts and feelings, on the other hand, there is power in that. It helps regulate how we feel. 

So if you need to vent, do it! But is venting always the answer? No. Some people use therapy just as a “venting room.” But as clinicians, we need to be more than just a friend, we need to push that person a little bit, re-contextualize a bit and start asking, “how can we start using other regulatory strategies?”

The takeaway? We could all benefit from tuning into ourselves a little bit more, learning to cope and vent, and practicing regulating our emotions properly.