Previous Episode: KEW Episode 92: Intuition

Have you ever been sucked into an internet thread and walked away feeling angry?

You know, like a political rant thread? Identity politics? Ad hominem attacks and name-calling?

Isn't that frustrating?

That sentiment or feeling that other people are just mean, or evil, is part of what motivates this week's Episode.

Many will argue that people are just 'bad', or even 'evil', and that's why we have bad things in the world. Like these internet haters. 

But I see it differently. 

I think we are all essentially good, and that the evil comes out as a result of some unmet need, struggle, or fear.

I think we have forgotten how to deal with these things, and so we end up spending a lot of time in the 'evil' space. And then this spills out into the world.

Argue with me all you want, and I will offer that arguing only illustrates my point. We argue when we feel attacked, or wronged, or threatened. Afraid.

I know it's hippy-dippy, utopian, and unicorn fart-y, but I honestly believe there is a scenario whereby the 'evils' of the world all but go away because of we have figured out how to focus on the good stuff.

Food for thought, anyway.

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