Has anyone ever told you to turn off your analytical mind?

Or to use your intuition?

I'm lucky to have a coach that constantly asks my analytical self to step aside. 

The space that remains, sans analysis, is incredibly interesting.

And I think it's where intuition lives. 

In fact, I'd say my idea of intuition was inaccurate. I guess I thought of it like a hunch. Or a tingly spidey sense. I'm not really sure what I thought intuition was.

I like the idea of 'trusting your gut' because it's not your brain.

All I can really say, having experienced intuition, is it is NOT my mind. 

NOT analytical. NOT intellectual.

For over a decade in therapy, I understood everything intellectually.

But nothing changed. My mind was unable to do anything about my beliefs. 

It wasn't until I connected with my body, through somatic meditation and Internal Family Systems work, that I was able to experience real change.

And you know what? I can't explain how it happened. All I can say is that I have changed.

Because it all happened somatically. Intuitively. In my gut. Well, in my BODY. My non-mind.

So this Episode is about that non-mind. Anti-analytical. Meta-physical. World.

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