One of the things I think bout most often is how we have to have a job to earn money to buy the time we want to live our lives. It's like the life we're born with is secretly conditional upon participating in this loop.

I'm not angry about it anymore, but I used to be. This forced agreement seemed unfair. Not that I didn't want to work, I just felt violated having my life be conditional upon participation in someone else's system.

So after I calmed down, I started thinking about how we measure the value in our lives. Which led me to money. We see money as the ultimate indicator of all of the important things. Of all the THINGS in life that can make us happy, we see money as being the most important. But it isn't just about money. In fact, I was using money to leverage the other things I wanted. Most notably, TIME.

To me, time *should* come before money. It's part of the universe (or at least we think it is, as we understand what it is). It was here before us. It wasn't invented by humans. Time asks nothing, is consistent, and fairly equally distributed among species. And when it isn't equally distributed, awareness of time is enhanced instead of taken for granted. All I can really do with time is try and understand I only have so much of it. Which becomes painfully more and more obvious as I age. . . .

In addition to TIME, I also value LOVE in similar ways. As in, if I had all the time in the world, and no loved ones to share it with, time would have less value. So some measure of love in my life is also important. So it's also critical to my happiness to have love in my life.

And, sadly, if I had to rank my understanding of, appreciation for, and effort spent in pursuit of, I would have ranked money much higher than time or love for most of my life. It's only lately that I've realized I want to prioritize time and love over money. For the rest of my life (time).

Unfortunately, that deal we make at birth about money doesn't just go away. We still need a certain amount of money (and therefore lose a certain amount of time) in order to meet our basic human needs. There is a reason we rank money more highly than other things and that's because it is ESSENTIAL to meeting your basic human needs. There are fewer and fewer ways to meet your basic needs without working and earning money. So life becomes this game of either needing less money or earning more money to hopefully meet your time and love (and other) needs. Personally, I'd rather need less money than lose more time.

I'd love to hear your thoughts about these currencies, and others that you may value. 

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