After my divorce I did some serious soul searching (and therapy) to figure out what happened. I accepted that both parties played a part in the divorce and wanted to understand what happened. Multiple lines of evidence support that my ex-wife became narcissistic and I became codependent. Now, I'm not saying 'she is narcissistic' or 'I am codependent', but our relationship brought out these personality traits and made them pretty severe. I think many people are affected by narcissistic and/or codependent tendencies, and the combination of the two in a relationship can be detrimental to both parties. 

Narcissism is said to be an expression of selfishness, but self care is an important skill. Codependency has been described as prioritizing others' needs over one's own, but boundaries are important. While making this Episode I realized that a 'healthy' person probably has a little of both characteristics. In other words, a healthy person can practice self care and get their needs met, but also be empathetic towards others and accommodate their needs.

We tend to say or think things like, "He's a narcissist" or "They're a codependent', but it's probably pretty rare to encounter someone who is entirely one or the other. Sure, there are exceptions out there and I think we'd all agree that an extreme expression toward either condition is not good. At the very least extreme cases of narcissism or codependency we usually don't want to be around or deal with.

My extreme codependency ended up with me being a door mat. And my ex-wife did end up being pretty narcissistic and self-serving (she had an affair and gaslighted me). But I think it was the combination of personality types in a struggling relationship that brought out the worst in each of us. I don't really know if she is a narcissist, and I am not a 'natural codependent'.

Since I can only really speak for myself, I will say I have codependent tendencies. I think this comes from how I grew up, some beliefs I formed as a child, but it's also a result of my empathetic nature. I tend to have pretty weak boundaries and am very aware of how other people feel. This often leads me to feel like I need to take care of people (and that's not really a good thing).

I don't really know what it's like for narcissistic people, but I can say that I am a bit jealous of people who know how to get their needs met - because I struggle to do that for myself.

I hope you enjoy the episode and get something out of my stories, my experiences, and observations. 

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