I apologize that it has been nearly a month since my re-introduction post and Episode 101. I have been overwhelmed with thoughts, ideas, tangents, trailheads, and rabbit holes regarding this new direction for my blog/podcast/and YouTube channel. In this Episode, and over the next 4-5 I will start to unravel this rats' nest into what I hope to be an interesting adventure.

An acid test is a generic or colloquial term to refer to an assessment of value. Often, it is referencing something like a pH indicator test, where an acidic substance will turn color when the indicator is added, and an alkaline substance will not.

Many may also know of the "Electric KoolAid Acid Test", a book by Ken Kesey that describes the adventures of the Merry Pranksters when the new drug LSD leaked out of the controlled labs and spilled out into the streets of San Francisco. In the last Episode I talked a bit about this and got a few things wrong that I correct this week.

My point in using the term Acid Test is not to take LSD (though I am curious about having a new psychedelic experience) but to reference another acid: Deoxyribonucleic acid, to be specific. Or DNA.

I intend to use DNA as a proxy representative measure of Nature and pose the question of whether Nature can inform us about life's Big Questions. Specifically, I wonder if we can use Nature to inform 

The meaning of life

Why we are here

What our purpose is

And as a measure of how well we are doing as a species on planet Earth.

It will take me 4-5 Episodes to unload, but I hope you will come along with me on the journey. 

You can subscribe to my podcast on all the big podcasts hosts and the YouTube channel, of course. Search for Knowledge + Experience = Wisdom. 

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