Previous Episode: KEW Epilogue

It's been six months. Though I wasn't sure what would happen with KEW, I knew I would be back. 

After 100 Episodes and over 30 interviews, I am inspired to work on new material here on Knowledge + Experience = Wisdom. I'm ready to get back on track releasing new Episodes weekly in podcast and YouTube video formats.

Follow here, at Knowledge + Experience = Wisdom on your favorite podcast host, or on the YouTube channel (links to this episode below). 

In the last six months I have been working on another project with my buddy Paul Gadola. You can find interviews with him in the Links tab on the KEW homepage. He and I are doing a YouTube channel called Being Better Being and we are already 20 Episodes in! On BBB, we discuss Paul's new book called, "Integrity and Peace: Loving Your Neighbor and the Path of Truth" which you can get directly (email [email protected]) or on If you like KEW, you'll probably enjoy our discussions on BBB.

Otherwise, I have been doing a lot of personal work and learning at a rate higher than I can remember. I turned 50. My second daughter went to college. We started homeschooling my youngest. Lots of changes but lots of the same, too.

This Welcome Back Episode offers a preview of what's to come in the next one to 100 Episodes on KEW. In short, I am going to more thoroughly investigate how we can use nature to help us answer the biggest questions of human kind. 

Why are we here?

What is the meaning of life?

What is my purpose? 

If you are familiar with the 'Electric Kool-Aid Acid Tests', you will LOVE where I am headed. Hope you enjoy the Episode and will stick around (and share with your friends!!) for the future of KEW.

If you are enjoying this content, please tell your friends.