Positive Thinking, Mindset Shift, Self Improvement, Positive Self Talk - all very relevant educational topics in today's day and age, and we are back with Paula Lamb the host, who shares with us a great article by James Clear the author of Atomic Habits.  The article Paula shares includes research completed by Barbara Fredrickson a positive psychology researcher at the University of North Carolina.  ** Paula also shares her own insight and tips to get us working on the Positive Mindset Muscle.

We are left with a ton of knowledge and information share with real-life example stories & to end it all a beautiful Hindu Proverb - "on the many ways to win" which James Clear shared in one of his newsletters.

In this episode we touch on;

📍What Negative Thoughts Do To Our Brain
📍What Positive Thoughts Do To Our Brain
📍How Positive Thinking Builds our Skills Set - we learn about the "Broaden & Build" theory
📍How to Increase Positive Thinking In Our Life - incl 3 ideas we can put into practice right away
📍Paula closes off the segment with insight into building a positive mindset, steps we can take when faced with challenges and the importance of taking note of our own conversations we have with ourselves - what language do we use for ourselves

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James Clear is the author of Atomic Habits
James Clear Article: https://jamesclear.com/positive-thinking
(Episode Reference Material)

Mission.org   https://medium.com/the-mission/a-practical-hack-to-combat-negative-thoughts-in-2-minutes-or-less-cc3d1bddb3af

Angie Gira - Coaching:   https://www.angiegira.com/
FREE Clarity Call:  https://www.angiegira.com/free-clarity-call
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/angiegira
Episode 14 - to learn more about Angie

Donna Brown - Coaching:https://www.dblifecoaching.com
Episode 1 - to learn more about Donna

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