Kristine Bunch was wrongfully convicted and charged with arson and the murder of her 3-year-old son. After facing the trauma of the loss of a loved one she went on to spend 17 years behind bars fighting for her innocence.  If you google Kristine you will discover a wealth of information about her case but I asked Kristine if she would take us on a different journey one that would take us in her footsteps behind prison doors, sharing with us what her life was like, who were the other inmates, as a pregnant woman at the time what medical support did she have available to her, what facilities were available to inmates, work opportunities, and who assisted her both in and out of prison with her fight toward her innocence, which as you can imagine could not have been an easy task being in prison.

 Kristine opens her heart to us, kindly shares her story from the connections made, lessons learned, and challenges faced.  There was so much ground to cover as you can imagine 17 years,  that we split this episode into two parts as we only skimmed the surface of this remarkable and touching story.

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Organizations Fighting for Justice:

Kristine Bunch Media:
Wrongful Conviction Podcast:
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