Welcome to this new Kind Conversation with Boomer Perrault from the kind social media campaign '1 a Week' and "Unapologetically Me - a mental health podcast". Boomer shared the heartfelt story of how '1 A Week' came about and how every act of kindness has the ability to make a difference in someone's life. He was kind enough to share details of his aspirations for the years ahead and it's clear, although hugely successful, this is just the start of Boomer's amazing journey and he has so much to offer - it really is inspiring.
We talk about...
- how heartbreak lead to the inspiration behind the social media campaign '1 A Week'.
- how, although out of his comfort zone, Boomer then began his podcast to address conversations around mental health
- the power of a smile or a simple 'hello'
- the kindness challenge of '1 A Week' and how it has resulted in approximately 7,000 kind deeds shared in 2 years
- how kindness is free and Boomer demonstrates this with a recent project he has lead to help the homeless people in his community
- the fact that kindness can take courage and sometimes you have to face the fear and challenge yourself
- trying something new and not being afraid to say when it isn't working or you don't enjoy it anymore. "The best way to learn is to do".
- Boomer's amazing dreams around starting a charity to mentor and be a positive role model to High School children in lower income areas.
- it's not about the number of people you reach or the number of followers you have, it's the ability to change someone's life for the better.
Boomer is on such a wonderful journey of kindness and I just love the fact that he's learning at every step and evolving all the time. His kindness deserves to be nurtured and celebrated - we're all behind you Boomer! To follow his journey come and take a look here...
Thank you so much for listening! Rebecca x