I am so proud to welcome you to this new Kind Conversation with Jen Gale, author of "The Sustainable(ish) Living Guide"- Everything You Need to Know to Make Small Changes That Make a Big Difference. Jen's positive attitude, humour and realistic approach to becoming more sustainable is a breath of fresh air. We cover so much in this conversation, including...

- Jen's decision to have a whole year without buying ANYTHING new (no small task with two young children and a husband who argued his daily paper didn't count.)
- The realisation that we all need to take responsibility for the climate crisis and we can make a difference through small changes.
- How we need to change our habits and mindset when it comes to buying new.
- Jen's journey from writing a blog through to a publishing deal.
- Taking the judgement and overwhelm out of living a sustainable life.
- How the small changes can be so easy to implement.
- Approaching parenting from a sustainable standpoint and how, as parents, we need to work together and support one another.
- Extinction Rebellion, and how we can all be activists in our own homes.
- How we need to nurture our inner-happiness and stop being so easily led by advertising and promises that a product will make us happier.
- Ways to get the family involved and to start the conversation.

I loved this conversation - Jen's book is packed full with facts (that will make your jaw drop), solutions, resources and ideas... it's written in such an approachable way that I found myself immersed within minutes. If you'd like to follow Jen, you will find her here...


Thank you so much for listening! 

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