#048 The 48th episode of Kickass Every Day talks about those things that define you as an individual. To make sure that you are really showing and sharing with others the absolute best of you. Even though we all make mistakes and we all have flaws and sides to our personalities that are less then appealing, we are able to use those things and learn from them. To minimize them and use them to drive us to do better.

After the year we are coming off of, I really started thinking about what I am going to have all of this mean to me. What do you want all of this to mean to you? We have all been tested spiritually, financially, mentally and physically, so it is up to us to rise above and use it to our advantage.

So the goal of this episode is to get you to really look at your life and make sure that you are being as intentional as you want to be and defining your life the way you want to. 

We will talk about- Character, the six pillars of character, a few questions to ask yourself, reverse engineering, some more examples of the things that define you

These are just a few ways for you to define yourself. That others may define you by. One important thing to remember is that you absolutely have control of this. You certainly don’t have to change everything overnight. That isn’t possible anyway! It took a lifetime to get to this current place you are it. So if there are things you would like to change, pick one thing and start with that. Never stop growing and experiencing things in life and make sure to surround yourself with positive people.

Continue with me on this journey and subscribe! Also, invite your friends to join the conversation as well so they can be a part of the fun. Let’s inspire and grow with each other. 

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