#041 The 41st episode of Kickass Every Day is all about the magic of goal setting. Super excited to be bringing you this episode. It was one of the original topic ideas that I wrote down way back in February and I have just been waiting or the right moment to record it. When I thought it would be the most impactful for you. And there is no better time to set goals then when we are ending one year and beginning a new one. So I hope this helps you to start your year off on the right foot!

I say that goals are magical because they give you the ability to produce results in an impressive way. So what it is about goals that I love so much? It’s that you are in control of them. By setting goals you are deciding your future and how you are going to get there. A big part of living your life on purpose is to have a plan- remember what I said about plans? No plan means someone else planning for you and that is NOT what we want.

So the goal of this episode is to get you to be excited about the power and magic of goal setting and to encourage you to use this incredible tool in your life.

We will talk about- The 3 boxes that need to be checked off for your goals to be successful, the two components of a compelling goal, one more way to use goals effectively, some words from Jim Rohn on goal setting

There is another reason I saved this episode for now. Two of my personal development mentors that have really shaped my goal setting viewpoint and driven home the importance of goals have been none other then Jim Rohn and Tony Robbins. So this is the perfect way to round out my Personal Development Greats in that first area of personal development that I always talk about- your mindset. I hope that you will see and utilize the power of goal setting in your life as well.

Continue with me on this journey and subscribe! Also, invite your friends to join the conversation as well so they can be a part of the fun. Let’s inspire and grow with each other.

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