Previous Episode: The Art of Self-Discipline

#040 The 40th episode of Kickass Every Day brings you the second in my series- Personal Development Greats and features Tony Robbins. Since this is the 40th episode (yay!!!) I felt that it needed the proper amount of energy and nobody exudes energy more than Tony Robbins. If you have ever had the opportunity to see one of his seminars or listen to one of his CD’s or even watch one of his early informercials (like I did) then you know what I mean.

As I was preparing for this episode I was trying to remember how I was introduced to Tony. I know it was back in 2003 and I am pretty sure it was though one of his infomercials for his Get The Edge program. What caught my attention was first off his enthusiasm for personal development but also his thoughts on limiting beliefs. That was the first time I had ever heard that phrase before and it really hit home for me. I knew that is what was holding me back in certain areas of my life.

So the goal of this episode is to introduce you to Tony by highlighting some of the things he has to offer in the area of personal development and why he’s not for everyone. LOL- because he’s not.

We will talk about- How Tony got started in personal development, some important things Tony’s teachings have added to my life, some things you can learn from him too, a few tools that he gave me that I still use today

As I told you in episode 38, Jim Rohn was Tony’s mentor in personal development. He has always paid tribute to Jim and given him the credit for shaping his life. Now while I didn’t connect with Tony on everything that he teaches, I did learn some very significant things from him and used those to propel myself further in life. To continue to seek out the teachers who would give me more of what I was looking for. And it was Tony in fact who led me to Jim. Who I’ve already said has had the biggest impact on me in the area of personal development. So never stop being a seeker, you never know where it may lead you.

Continue with me on this journey and subscribe! Also, invite your friends to join the conversation as well so they can be a part of the fun. Let’s inspire and grow with each other. 

Be sure to check out my latest episode of the Kickass Every Day TV show where I will finally share with you the connection between self-discipline and your self-esteem.  You can find it on my YouTube channel and on my website.

If you would like to get the show notes for this episode, head on over to: