Episode 83 shares with you the 3 most important things I have done to help me shift from learning personal development to living it. And yes, there is a difference. When you make that shift, you are now practicing the personal development lifestyle, where the amazing gifts of personal development are so ingrained in you that you no longer have to think so hard about everything. It just comes naturally and intuitively. 


And here’s the thing about that. There is no specific time frame for making that happen. Everyone is different. Everyone learns differently, grows in their way, and experiences things unique to them. And there’s NOTHING wrong with that. My reason for creating this episode is to help those who are looking to transition into living the personal development lifestyle. To help them shorten that gap between the learning and the living part.


In this episode I talk about:  What living personal development has done for me, 3 things I learned to do that made all the difference, how you can do the same thing


As Jim Rohn said, “personal development is an invitation sent to all but recognized by few” If you are reading this and have listened to any of my podcast episodes then you have recognized your invitation. My job, honor, privilege, and purpose is to welcome you and help guide you in any way  I can. To be a source of information, inspiration, and encouragement. Choosing to live the personal development lifestyle is one of the best decisions you will ever make for yourself and those you interact with every day.


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