Episode 84 is all about our emotions!! This episode has been a while in the making and I know that once you are able to take advantage of your emotions and utilize them thoroughly, you will be living your life in a much more empowered state. This is what I always want for you. For you to love your life and experience everything that you came here to experience.


There are two sides to the emotion equation- on one side is being able to guide your emotions and on the other side is being guided by them. These are two very different things and require different things from you to succeed. Once you are able to do this, you give yourself an advantage in life. Every moment of every day, we experience either positive or negative emotions. We are emotion-driven/ vibrational beings! This is why you cannot ignore them and why you must make mastering them a priority.

In this episode I talk about:  Guiding your emotions, being guided by them, detachment, a few other ways to help you with both, and processes to help you when you are struggling with your emotions


This is one of those episodes that I don’t want you to miss a beat of. Listen to it more than once because I packed a lot in here. Learning to work with your emotions should be a priority for you. It will help you in every relationship you ever have. It will help you show up the way you want to in life. It will help you to create the life you want on purpose!! Instead of constantly being in reaction mode. Spend time on your emotions and your life will look different.


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