“You should be speaking truth and focusing on honesty in marketing…”

Maddy Martin is the VP of Marketing for Smith.ai, which provides 24/7 communication & intake services for businesses, by phone, website chat, text, and Facebook Messenger. She has spent the last decade growing tech startups from New York to California, and has expertise in digital marketing, small business communications, lead conversion, email marketing, SEO & content marketing, social media, co-marketing, and event marketing.

Questions I asked her included:

Why do email open rates no longer matter (Hint: iOS 15)?
What’s the best way to use branding guidelines?
Do leads/prospective customers really read e-books?
What is the ultimate goal for any B2B company?
What is a “leaky” lead funnel? How do you “plug it”?
What role do chatbots play in a business’s SEO strategy?

Connect with Maddy via:

Email - [email protected]

LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/madelainemartin/

Twitter - https://twitter.com/madelainemartin/ 

And here's a FREE and wonderful eBook from the Smith.ai team, How to Use Virtual Receptionists for Small Business Growth - https://assets-global.website-files.com/5b15d605b7c459fc409872b5/6189368976b9b9c71fb04012_Smith-SMB-white-paper-11052021.pdf

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