“[E-commerce marketing] is so difficult now because anyone can open up a Shopify store, you collaborate with other brands and sell [their products], you can drop-ship, there are just so many stores and everybody is just trying to make it…”

Jimmy Zona is the Director of E-Commerce & Digital Marketing for Turbie Twist. At Turbie Twist, he created and scaled the company's digital presence in order to become the market leader in its category. In this episode of the podcast, we talk about all things e-commerce: ads, SEO, cross-channel marketing, email marketing strategies, and more!

Questions and topics we covered include:

How did Jimmy get into the hair care industry?
What lessons did he take from his tv producing experience while transitioning to a full-time marketer?
Why is scaling an e-commerce business difficult? Is it difficult?
What's the single best way to re-engage users who abandon an app/website?
How is Jimmy handling email updates with iOS 15 rolling out? (Hint: he’s focusing on SMS marketing)
When is it the right time for an e-commerce business to run ads?
What are the best examples of cross-channel marketing?
What are the similarities between building an affiliate marketing network and scaling PR hits?
How does e-commerce and SEO come together? Do e-commerce businesses need an SEO strategy?
What are the main reasons why he doesn’t use influencer marketing?
What’s the hardest part about marketing products on Amazon? Should e-commerce marketers focus on DTC-only, Amazon as the main focus, or a mix?

You can connect with Jimmy via LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/zonajimmy/

And for anyone interested in a deep-dive on Amazon PPC tactics and strategies, check out this episode I did with Dr. Travis Zigler - https://anchor.fm/kennysoto/episodes/Interview-with-Dr--Travis-Zigler---The-Basics-of-Amazon-PPC---Episode-25-emd36f