“When you are a business owner—you’re a digital marketer. That’s the bottom-line.”

Deirdre is the creator of The Viralocity Formula, author of The Traffic Formula and founder of Growth Boss, a leading mentorship and Virtual CMO program for e-commerce business owners wanting to scale to multiple- 6 and 7 figures using the power of tribe-building, virality and human connection.

Questions I asked her included:

What is a virtual CMO? What do they do?
Why shouldn’t you discount Instagram as an acquisition channel in 2022?
What is your definition of a tribe? Why are Facebook Groups still the best option for building a tribe?
How should marketers go about lowering Cost of Acquisition? What tips can you provide?
What are some proxy metrics that can help improve CAC over time? (She discusses reach/impressions as the key to measuring creative assets and CTR for measuring copy👀)
When is it the right time to tap into influencer marketing? When is a business ready for this?
How can a business evaluate influencers?

You can connect with Deirdre here:

Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/deirdretshien/

The Remarkable Entrepreneur Facebook Group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/theremarkableentrepreneur