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Podcast producer and master sound guy Chris has discovered reels on Instragram. Sure, he's a little late to the insta party, but now that he's on the 'gram he's DMing Greg with lots of CrossFit stuff.

One of those reels is  the inspiration for this week's podcast. 

In this particular reel it showed a flight attendant pushing a drink cart down the airplane aisle and then it cut to the same woman pushing a sled at a CrossFit gym. It also showed her lifting a suitcase into the overhead compartment and then doing clean and jerks in the gym.

You can see where this is going. CrossFit is all about functional fitness. We all need to sit down, stand up, lift things from the ground to over head and more. The movements that you need for your everyday life are mimiced quite nicely in the CrossFit gym. That kind of training makes you stronger for everyday life.

As usual we've got the wine, the beer and the Greg-isms!


Ps; be sure to rate and share the podcast. You can also suggest ideas for future shows.

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