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According to the Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction we're heavy drinkers.

Oh, health studies...

Those "health studies" that make the news are just about making the news. More often than not, they lack any real substance. And this recent study on alcohol consumption is no different. 

Always look at the source and and who funded the research. In the case of health studies, like this one on alcohol, or others on meat consumption, there are lifestyle habits that can mitigate health risks. Enjoying a glass or two of wine over a meal with friends is far different that binge-drinking. Eating a steak along with lots of veggies is healthier than pounding back a fast food burger and fries. When it comes to health studies, context is everything.

We get into the topic and Greg does what he does best. You really need to listen to this one. The ol' boy is in fine form!

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