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If you know me, you are aware I changed my name, got divorced, cut contact with my family, quit my job, and moved abroad, where I know no one. About two years ago I looked at myslef and my life realizing I wasn’t happy at all. I created a plan for changing everything. It took me a lot of time - but that was the time I needed to clarify my needs and details. It took a lot of effort - but I learnt so much. And here I am - finally after cleaning everything! Me living abroad in beautiful Budapest where everything is new for me. No Hungarian language, no friends, no tips on how to settle, nothing. 

I am on my path to create my dream life from the beginning, being grateful every single day for each of my difficult sessions in therapy, and blessing every tough decision I made! I am going to share with you how it is to start over. I am going to confess in front of you my fears and how life verified the projections of my mind. 

For me - it’s funny to look at myslef this way. It is said - fear has great eyes. I agree! And I’ve been learning to not be attached to my fears. I feel freedom means the ability to observe them with healthy distance having the power to do what I want no matter what kind of visions my mind produces. I hope my sharing can be an inspiration for you to not be scared of your fears

So first of all, moving abroad and creating my own space to live was the last step in my plan. I wanted to do that immediately after divorce - me and my ex-husband decided to live as flatmates for a while to not make my plan more complicated. But things I needed to organize before moving out were postponing, and I had no power to speed them up. It became a half of a year till I was ready to move out. And this way, not the divorce but moving abroad became the real separation for our 10 years relationship! 

There was a lot of emotions and fears in me. Sadness because of leaving someone I shared my life with for so long. Fear of what if I can’t handle difficulties living without anyone close to me - no family, no husband, and even no friends in the new place. The excitement of starting something new, being independent living alone the first time in my life! Sadness and happiness, fear and excitement. An emotional roller coaster. 

Three weeks before moving to Budapest, I arrived there to find a flat to rent. I had 7 days for that, I felt strong fear it could have been not enough, and a lot of faith if it had been my destinated location, everything would have been all right. What scared me were long term lease agreements without any notice period, so no possibility to change the place I live in case. I decided to negotiate that point with landlords as something necessary for me. Most of the estate agents I contacted said ‘no way, not possible’... 

The full transcript plus photos and videos is available here: 

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