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I changed my name. I divorced my husband. I cut contact with my family. I quit my job. It is 6.30 pm when I am texting this, and in 3 hours I will start traveling abroad to rent a flat and move in somewhere where I will start over. The place where everything is new, I have no friends, I don’t know the language, I have no job, I don’t know any place. I am freaking out but at the same time, I need it...

Two years ago I made a decision to clean my life getting rid of everything that made me unhappy and preparing the space for the new. I had a list of many steps to make it real. Therapy to make me aware of my limitations and strong enough to change. A strategy of making savings. A lot of work to let go of all attachments to people I was related to. Some of them stayed as friends, some of them didn’t want to accept my need to be free and we broke up. 

I was able to imagine some parts of my dream life. There was living abroad and traveling a lot. Changing places where I live. An online job which made this kind of life possible. Friends all over the world. A lot of interactions with new people and experiencing reality spontaneously. There was me free to make every choice, change every decision, try new things. Brave and open. Called the way I created for myslef - ‘May’ because ‘ I may so there is nothing I have to do but there is a lot I may choose when I want’. 

And now it is all starting. My life is clean of everything I didn’t want and prepared for the new. I picked one place from the list of the cities I would like to live in. The cheapest, the closest to Poland where I spent all my life and possible to handle using only English. An easy start? I don’t feel it this way now! 

Tomorrow morning I will be there and I will start the adventure of creating my reality to have my dream life. Flat, job, friends, everyday activities. Everything needs to be created. I will share every step of that with you. It will be a story about discovering myslef, fighting against my fears and creating the reality outside according to my intuition which tells me what I need to be happy. 

I want my life to be the best book I’ve ever read. Interesting. Full of strands. Touching. Making me laugh. Not obvious - confusing and surprising. Full of emotions. I will write this book for myslef and I will share it because I believe everybody has the power to change everything to be happy to the fullest and to be free of every limitation, and I would like each of us to be aware of their own power to change. No matter who we are, how we feel, what we experienced, what our lives are now and how impossible any changes sound.  

The full transcript is available here:

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