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I got some messages from you with a question about how to choose a therapist, what is important to make a decision that this is the right person. It is not an easy topic to answer and definitely, it is not a simple choice to make. I think I personally had more luck than knowledge on how to do that when I was looking for support. That’s why I decided to ask about it a professional - Dr. Hayden Finch, a clinical psychologist with broad experience in work with people. 

I am honored to announce this is the first interview with Hayden. This amazing woman agreed to answer more of your questions in the next weeks. Unfortunately, there is the entire ocean between us, so we communicate via emails and you will not listen to the nice voice of Hayden on the record. If you prefer listening than reading, I will tell you every word Hayden shared with us there!

So, how to choose a therapist who will be the right choice for you?  Dr. Hayden Finch says:

Choosing a therapist is one of the most important components of getting started with therapy.  In fact, the relationship you have with your therapist makes a bigger difference in how effective therapy is than the treatments the therapist uses!  So it's important to spend some time choosing the person who's going to be the best fit for you. 

Start by asking your friends and family what they like about their therapist.  If you're comfortable seeing the same therapist they see, then you might consider trying that person.  Another option is to ask your friends and family to ask their therapist for recommendations of other therapists.  If your friends and family trust their therapist, chances are that their therapist also knows other great therapists in the area.  

If none of your friends are in therapy, then consider asking your physician for a referral.  

Another option is to check with databases of therapists who have the training you're looking for.  If you're looking specifically for a cognitive-behavioral therapist, for example, you can search here: Other types of therapy have similar databases where you can search for people with specific training.

Most people find therapists through online searches.  Psychology Today is one of the most popular platforms.  It's kind of like online dating... therapists have profiles on these websites, and you search through the profiles, look at their pictures and bio, and email or call the ones you like.  Look for a therapist who looks like someone you'd feel comfortable with, someone who seems approachable and knowledgeable. Read their biography. If the way they talk about mental health resonates with you, you'll probably like them.  

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