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Today a very short talk. I feel speechless. A topic is very difficult. According to the last research I saw, every fourth child is sexually abused. We have to be aware those statistics are lower than real numbers because this crime is mostly not reported and not even recognized…. But quite often the signals are very clear. The problem is who the abuser is for us and what we think about pedophilia. You know, this is something everybody knows it exists, but at the same time, we are sure it’s beyond us, it happens somewhere far away, but for sure not in our backyard.

The fact is most of the people who sexually abuse children are members of their families. I can assure you in this group there are not only priests, people whose social status is suspicious and Michael Jackson. There are also lawyers, doctors, politicians, teachers. People who are very respected in our society. People who look like each of us. People we like or love. People who have husbands, wives, children. Pedophilia is not a minor phenomenon. It is everywhere, it happens in families you would never call as pathological. 

I am sharing with you something very personal as an example of how difficult it is to notice pedophilia in our surrounding. I hope this story will stay in your mind and change your perception when you are a witness to the signals of childhood sexual abuse. I would like the word ‘pedophile’ to be not an empty phrase like it was in my family. To be clear, my family is quite big. Except my father, an aggressive alcoholic, no one else could never be called ‘a pathology’ in a way we use this word. Just normal people and among them some very respected in the local society. 

Just listen to me to see what can happen when we think child sexual abuse is beyond us. Listen to me to become able to recognize a pedophile in your surronding. I want you to understand how difficult it is to notice when this is happening around you, when people you personally know do this kind of things. I want you to have this example in your head because I believe it could change your perception, it could make you suspicious when you see the signs.

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