Hiya my fellow #life walker,

Today’s the last time up this trail of pt.5 Abandonment, how to live through it, heal from the pain and become a stronger independent person.

We will continue up this trail today, it is going to be a good hike.  So be prepared make sure you have brought along the coping skill tools I have shared with you in the previous hikes on this trail and may want a bit of tissue too.  You may need to open up your back pack of life coping skills today to help you get through parts of this trail.  I will share more of my life experience and things to expect from the repercussions of abandonment trauma.  I will also share some life skill advice on how to handle a few of the symptoms you may experience  on this trail from from this point on.  

 Today we will hike to the end of this trail.  I have shared a few links below that may be a bit of a spoiler to parts of the topic I will discuss on this trail.  Most of the links below are not affiliates just some awesome music and convenience for you in your search if you need it.  If you’re ready to continue then click play and let’s get farther up this trail today.

Please note that I have never made claims as a professional practitioner of medicine be it traditional or herbal alternative methods.  The information I share with you is for your personal wellness research only that you have the freedom to choose how you wish to apply to your life.  

I am only offering the information I share primarily as self education purposes only by sharing my personal experiences of how I manage my mostly natural lifestyle.  If you have any medical concerns or questions to how my information may effect you personally medically if in doubt.  That you will have to decide to ask a Dr. you know and or trust to consult further in that aspect.

I only offer my guidance, advice or coaching in my natural lifestyle to help you gain inspiration, knowledge or feel support in having to live a more natural lifestyle.  Like I had to come to terms with from the inevitable outcome of my past Dr. visits.

Til next time 
love yourself kindly 
be grateful for 1 thing each day

Your guide, life advisor or coach on 
Journeying Life Mostly Natural 

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#Chester Bennington thanks for giving me a song I shared with my kids that we could constructively shout out, that made our day better for doing it.  Forever remembered and cherished for willingly sharing your gift of song your light will always flicker in our hearts.

One More Light [Official Music Video] - Linkin Park


Bilateral Eternal " by Liborio Conti"

Non affiliate link

4 Winds Herbal Blend

by iHappyHome

Learn more: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B006MQLEGK/ref=cm_sw_em_r_mt_dp_P0TQ68A8WQ7PJ1WDY9PT

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