Hiya my fellow life walker,

Today on Journeying Life Mostly Natural this is Pt3. of #Abandonment, how to live through it, heal from the pain and become a #stronger independent person.  This episode I'll be recapping the #coping skill techniques I shared with you last week.  I will also be sharing an additional coping skill technique I have learned to use and will share the basic starting point that helped me reach the level I am able to use it at present.  

I have learned to love this technique that at one point in time I was a skeptic that it would be something I would need or be able to do like I perceived it initially.  I am glad to say that once I simplified my expectations on how to attain this skill to begin to use it effectively.  I have added it to my daily routine due to how much it helps collect and lift your inner energy and emotional spirits.  I am grateful I finally was able to achieve this valuable tool to add to my life skill tool belt.

I love this particular life coping skill due to the fact it helps strengthen your mind and evoke your imagination to help you get through your day and decompress your stressors by helping you give yourself the time to let the emotions process normally and naturally cycle themselves through.  Acknowledging they exists without having to engage into a irrational action, or at least gradually reduce your triggered responses as you learn to hone this skill in.   That is one thing I am grateful for is managing to keep my imagination that helps me want to explore other options that may seem to be unattainable at that moment but possible in time.  

Like recent history that has been made with the #4 inspiration civilian space crew.  Now our first Space celebrity #Captian James T Kirk, #William Shatner is going into space for real, this week, top it off he will be the oldest civilian to accomplish this flight.  Wow, that is so awesome! I truly did not think to imagine that in my life time I would actually witness history being made to our real civilians.  One of whom was a major inspiration too many of us who grew up watching him explore strange new places.  Congratulations to them all and thank you all for continuing to inspire us everyday people to always go for the imaginable.

Please note that I have never made claims as a professional practitioner of medicine be it traditional or herbal alternative methods.  The information I share with you is for your personal wellness research only that you have the freedom to choose how you wish to apply to your life.  

I am only offering the information I share primarily as self education purposes only by sharing my personal experiences of how I manage my mostly natural lifestyle.  If you have any medical concerns or questions to how my information may effect you personally medically if in doubt.  That you will have to decide to ask a Dr. you know and or trust to consult further in that aspect.

I only offer my guidance, advice or coaching in my natural lifestyle to help you gain inspiration, knowledge or feel support in having to live a more natural lifestyle.  Like I had to come to terms with from the inevitable outcome of my past Dr. visits.

So now my fellow #life walker check out my podcast today and try the 4th coping skill that helps your spirit, inner strength and imagination soar.

Til next time 
love yourself kindly 
be grateful for 1 thing each day

Your guide, life advisor or coach on 
Journeying Life Mostly Natural 

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