Hiya my fellow life walkers,

Mokangel here ready to guide you on our next trail episode Journeying Life Mostly Natural.  This next trail will be a bit intense for some of you, especially if this is your first time or you're in the early stages of  working through abandonment  issues.  I too have had to face my abandonment issues and can still find them a bit of a challenge to not let them effect me when their triggers go off by hearing about what is going on in the world today. 

I figured if I am having a hard time managing not to let the apathy I feel of being helpless and alone from what I am hearing with the latest haps announced on our media about  many. people who are having a hard time  due to beiing left behind.  Some of my fellow life walkers may be feeling the same or are going through the healing processes to learn to manage  or recover from the symptoms caused from being abandoned that the current affairs of our nation and other places around world who the media are reporting about constantly of late.  For good reason I believe .  I do need to state and clarify,  my podcast is not politically biased, just stating facts of concern from the current news updates is all that are the reason I decided  tackle one of he top five hardest mental upsets to work though, epsecially when you're on your ownl......

I only offer my guidance, advice or coaching in my natural lifestyle to help you gain inspiration, knowledge or feel support in having to live a more natural lifestyle.  Like I had to come to terms with from the inevitable outcome of my past Dr. visits.

This trail we are going to have to do in stages.  This episode will be the first part of this trail we are about to begin.  Below are the links I will let you know more about in a few secs.

If you're ready to start this trail with me now.  Then click play, oh don't forget to please fo;;ow, comment and subscribe so you're notified when my newest pod is ready to be downloaded.  It would be awesome if you could share this podcast trail to someone you think may benefit from this topic  that would be awesome.

Remember to do 2 things

 love yourself kindly

say 1 thing you are grateful for today.

Til next time 

take care my fellow life walker.

