Today is Episode 70, which means - every 10th episode, I share a mentor, or teacher, or book, that resonated with me. So today I want to talk about Jon Acuff. Acuff has multiple New York Times bestsellers, but today I want to discuss his Wall Street Journal #1 Best Seller Finish: Give yourself the gift of done.

I think many of us are great at having ideas, and starting goals, but do you always finish them is the question?

In this book, he talks about how, according to studies, 92% of New Year's resolutions, for example, fail. He discusses the sneakiest of obstacles for completing goals - and its not being lazy.

In fact - it’s quite different - its the idea of perfectionism. So listen up my people-pleasing perfectionist friends.

IN THIS EPISODE: Jon Acuff - Finish - Give Yourself the Gift of Done Idea babies The lies of perfectionism Being a big enough goal Cutting your goal in half Choose what to let go of Making it hard Having fun

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