Today I am sharing a recent conversation with Lynn Hardin.  Lynn is a retired principal from public education.  She served over 20 years in a large urban school district in Southern California.  She built 3 award winning elementary schools - in fact - Americas Best Urban School 2019 and she is the recipient of the National Principal Certificate for Equity and Excellence from NCUST.  She is a certified life and leadership coach for school administrators and today she shared some really great nuggets on how to make a great ask, listening to learn, and the importance of communication in your work and personal life.

In This Episode:

Making a great ask to get more of what you want in life Ask better questions get better answers The importance of listening to learn Keys to ensuring clear communication Dareen Hardy and the Compound Effect Keystone Habits Connect with Lynn: [email protected] IG: _Lynnhardin Link to full notes: