On this episode of It's My Pleasure, one of my all time favorite clients Leigha May joins me to talk about her time working with me 1:1. Growing up in an extreme conservative Christian culture Leigha had already known that there were beliefs from her upbringing holding her back in her sexuality. But having done a lot of work around healing her past already there was still this sense of, 'I guess this is as good as it gets'. Leigha had been following me on social media and listening to the podcast for a while. She knew she had yet to create the sex life of her dreams and was beginning to question if what she wanted was possible when it came to her sexuality and relationship with her partner. There was a lot of fear of even trying this work, afraid of what it might mean about her relationship and her sexual identity. She is a life coach and had invested time in upleveling her life in other ways, and believed in the power of coaching and was hoping to create growth in this area as well. In our conversation, you’ll hear Leigha talk about what she thought the work was and that it turned out to be something completely different, and it opened her up to so much more.
If this is the kind of transformation you are looking for and want to create more pleasure within yourself and with your partner, I invite you to check out the Better Sex in 90 Days program. Enrollment is opening in September, and if you are looking to do this work in 2021 and want to finish the year strong, we look forward to having you be a part of this transformative group. To learn more about the group, go to: https://daniellesavory.com/group/. I am also going to have a limited number of spots for one-on-one coaching, so if that is something you are interested in and want to know more about, please email me at: [email protected].
Topics In This Episode

The relationship between our self-image and our pleasure
Long lasting effects of our upbringing, even when we think we’ve worked through it all
When you uplevel one area of your life, the possibilities are endless!
Fears and hesitations in pursuing this area of coaching
The difference between what she thought the main issue was, versus what it actually turned out to be
It’s way easier to blame our partners than to own our shit
Why we settle in our relationships and with our pleasure
Gaining a sense of understanding of her sexuality, and how it fits into her relationship


Instagram: @lmaycoaching
Website: https://www.leighamaycoaching.com/


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Editing and show notes by Roth Media
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