Perfectionism and pleasure are oil and water. They don’t mix! Perfectionists set impossible standards for ourselves, and when we are unable to meet these expectations, we are in our heads and say mean things to ourselves. And this certainly is not an environment where pleasure can enter. I am a recovering perfectionist, and despite all the work I have done in this area of my life, it is still there. The key is to be able to identify those thoughts and create awareness so that we can love ourselves through it. In this episode, let’s take a deeper look at identifying those thoughts, the different areas of our lives where it can disrupt our pleasure, and what we can do about it.

Topics In This EpisodePerfection is subjectiveWhat would perfect even look like? Is it even realistic?When perfectionism keeps you from setting goalsThe physical impact that damaging self-talk can have on youHolding on to this idea of perfect does not serve youCreating a container for pleasure to thrive inWhen we extend our perfectionism and expectations to our partners

A quick note! I am planning an upcoming Q&A episode on the podcast. If you have a question you would like for me to answer, send an email to [email protected] and use the subject, “Podcast Q&A”. I want to assure you that these will be kept completely anonymous. This is your opportunity to ask me anything. Nothing is TMI or off-limits.


As always, it’s been my absolute pleasure to share this conversation with you about perfectionism in the world, and how it wreaks havoc on our pursuit of pleasure. Take a look at it for you. When you notice that you are berating yourself, it’s a chance to be aware, and show yourself love. Are you ready to not feel this way anymore? If you’re ready, make the decision to work on your perfectionism for the sake of your pleasure.