To us, cyclical activism is a practice of being politically involved in a way that is ongoing and sustainable. In the same way that we use cycles to create supportive personal self-care practices, we can use cycles to ensure we are taking action towards collective change in a way we can keep up long-term. 

If you have ever felt overwhelmed or unsure of how to get involved, this episode is a great place to start!

Mentioned in this episode:

Superpower Your Natural Cycle (SYNC) membership programEpisode 004: Self-Care for Mercury RetrogradeElizabeth Gilbert on spiritual fitnessResistbotWitch the Vote podcast: Election Day AstroweatherVote.orgVote Save America

Your hosts:
Kristen Ciccolini | Good Witch Kitchen | @goodwitchkitchen | The Lunar Body Podcast
Janine Mulone | Feel Good Retail | @feelgoodretail | Retail for the Rest of Us Podcast

Keep in touch!
Instagram: @selfcareforcycles

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