Today’s Guest

I first met today's guest, Holly Gillen, on Instagram. We started following each other, and then I checked out her website and discovered that I loved what she does. Video is so important for business, and I know so many women who avoid it because they're either afraid of the camera, or terrified of technology, or they just don't know what to say. Holly has loads of great tips on how to get started with video for your business in today's episode.

About Holly Gillen

Holly started her freelance career in 2008 as a Videographer, Producer, and Editor working with big industry names including the Sundance Channel, Sony Music, nick.Com, HBO, Bono, Big Time Rush, Forest Whitaker and many others.

Her skills and experience run the full gamut from Producing and Directing to Shooting and Editing, and she has translated those skills into a range of educational courses and services to support entrepreneurs in their quest for video stardom.

Holly believes that video isn’t “just” video; it’s your ticket to a more personalized brand, your secret weapon to cut through the static in your market, and your best opportunity to have a meaningful conversation with your clients and customers (that converts to dolla-dolla bills!).

What You’ll Learn

Holly's top tips on how to get started with video
Why video is a journey
How to leave room for natural stuff to happen
The fine balance of being prepared for your video
Why it's so important to be concise

Things We Discussed
Signature Program

From Start to Star: An Experience in Video Confidence.

A fully immersive experience in video confidence taking you from total newbie to business superstar in 15 days flat! Talk about an extreme makeover.

You’ll build the confidence you need to start making videos that will take your business to the next level.

Inspiring Women

Amy Porterfield 
Amy Schmittauer 

Connect With Holly




[R2B 92] How to Get Started With Video for Your Business, with Holly Gillen #podcast

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